We left for a small ski town called Penitentes just ten minutes beyond the border of Chile/Argentina. We were stuck at border patrol for about 6 horus which was horrible. Its a great place except for the fact there is no bank, atm, and no place takes credit card. We stayed there one night, ski'd all the next day, and then took a collectivo bus to Mendoza in the early evening.
The drive through the Andes is amazing.
We only have another 3 days in this city so we are cruising around like mad to see as many sites as we can. Museums, botanical gardens, barrios, widest stret in the world, dykes, natural reserves, sreakhouses. We attended a futbol match betweeen two argentinian clubs last night (Estudiantes vs. Independiente). What a great experience. The Argentine soccer fans are the most passionate on the planet hands down. Independiente scored the go ahead goal with a minute left in the match. Great game. Currently we are cruising around a barrio called Palermo which is such a beautiful part of town. Below is the Carlos Thays Botanical Garden, amazing.
We are hoping to stay a couple nights in the house of a cousin of my buddy´s host brother, but our cellphones do not work here so the setup process is currently a bit slow. I must asy, I loev this city so much and I could definitely see myself living here. I can´t wait to come back with my entire family in Deecmber. Sadly, we will have head back to Santiago on Saturday and i´ll post an update of the end of our trip sometime this weekend. Cheers.